Thursday, April 26, 2012

Pride & Dependence

I know you are all shocked that I wrote another post so soon, but if I am ever going to get into a habit of doing this, it is now or never.

So I have injured myself while up here in the mountains. I made several mistakes which led to my ultimate downfall, pun intended.

First, I walked down the stairs in the dark.

Second, I was carrying my computer and Scott's iPad.

Third, I wasn't clearly watching where I was stepping.

Finally, I apparently got ahead of myself and stepped down two steps instead of just the one and turned my ankle completely over.

I heard a loud pop and went straight down to the floor. I didn't drop the computers, Woo Hoo! But at the cost of my ankle being the size of an orange or some other type of fruit.

I added a picture of both my feet so you can see the difference. After only one day, the bruising has begun, but the swelling has gone down.

I will live, but of course, my pride took a direct hit.

The Bible clearly tells us, 

"Pride goes before destruction, a haughty spirit before a fall." 
Proverbs 16:18

Now I know that it is not necessarily referring to a literal fall and I can't say that I was being haughty as I came down the stairs, but my pride was hurt when I fell and I was very happy no one saw me.

I do believe that my pride has taken quite a few hits lately.

Not that getting my pride adjusted is a bad thing, but it concerns me that I have let it get out of control enough for my Heavenly Father to step in and bring a little humility to my flesh!

Not only have I had to deal with my pride, but my dependence on others. I am pretty self-sufficient and can do most things by myself. I really don't prefer people doing for me what I can do for myself.

And I am always dealing with that "I can do it better myself" mentality.

Maybe that is what the Lord is trying to teach me during this stage of our journey. That I depend too much on myself, letting my pride get the best of me, instead of laying matters at His feet and in humility allow Him to direct my steps...our steps on this walk of faith.

I thought it was interesting when I looked up the verse above to find in the same chapter, verses that God has been placing upon my heart over and over just recently.

It is almost as if He needed to stop me in my tracks long enough for me to look up this verse and realize all the others He has been trying to, not only show me, but get deep in my spirit.

Verses from Proverbs 16 like...

verse 1,
"To man belongs the plans of the heart, 
but from the LORD comes the reply of the tongue."

and verse 3,
"Commit to the LORD whatever you do, 
and your plans will succeed."

and even verse 7,
"When a man's ways are pleasing to the LORD, 
He makes even his enemies live at peace with him."

and lastly, but by far my favorite and the one God keeps bringing to my heart, verse 9,

"In his heart a man plans his course, 
but the LORD determines his steps."

Although, I know God didn't make me fall down the stairs, He certainly is using these moments of physical dependence on others to teach me spiritual dependence on Him...

for our physical well-being...

for our financial needs...

for our dog, Smokey, to have a good home that we can come back and visit him at when we are in the US...

for our house to sell to the right family at the right price at the right time...

for our monthly support to come in His timing and through His sources...

but mostly for our complete obedience to His will, in His way, and allowing Him to determine our steps.


  1. Love this post, Charity! What HE's been speaking to your heart is sometimes what others need to hear. And, yes, HE wants to use our everyday moments to show us more of HIM! Hope your foot gets better soon : )


  2. Charity!! Thank you for sharing your heart!!! We faced this at our house with Spencer about 6 weeks ago... he broke his thumb the first game of baseball season. He was so down about it. After a week or so we were talking and I gave him this verse.. Many are the plans in a man's heart, but its the Lord's purpose that prevails. Prov 19:21. He said I am writing that in my hat!! Within a day or so his attitude was so much better. And now when things are not exactly going my way... he reminds me of that verse!! Haaa!! Don't you love when your kids give you scripture!! I pray that your foot will be better soon and that you will always use anything in your path for God's glory!!!
    Love ya!!
