Friday, April 20, 2012

16 Years of Togetherness!

I almost did it again!

I have procrastinated and almost waited another 5 months to update our blog!

It has, in actuality, been 4 months and 13 days. So I didn't wait quite as long.

But I would really prefer if I would write new posts more often.

Oh well, maybe one day I will get my ducks in a row, but until then, I will continue to write when the urge (or guilt ;D) hits me.

So, I am writing today, mainly because we are traveling and it is just easier to blog as we ride. And also, because I don't feel like I am neglecting some other more important task that I should be doing instead of sitting down typing on my computer. Since I have to sit for hours at a time in the truck, why not blog?!

In honor of today, April 20th, our 16th wedding anniversary, I would like to share about being together!

You see, one of the things we will have to get used to on the mission field is being together 24-7-365.
There will be times when Scott is gone on a trip or working in an area that is not as safe for the entire family and we won't be together, but for the most part, we will be with each other ALL the time.

What a rude awakening that could be to go from the every day; Scott goes to work, Charity stays home and teaches the togetherness all the time.

But God, in His wisdom, has already been preparing us for that part of the plan.

Scott has been unemployed for this entire itineration, not by his choice, not by AGWM's choice, but by unforeseen circumstances that our enemy meant for our detriment, but God meant to use for our growth.

We have learned to... more, knowing that He will provide for our needs.

...depend less, on ourselves and our abilities to get things done in our own way and time. flexible with one another, learning how to live with each other like we never have before.

It is so much easier to learn to be together all the time here in the US than it will be to do the same with all the new stresses that only being in a new culture, speaking a different language can bring.

God, in His sovereignty, knew that and began preparing us almost 2 years ago.

Allowing my husband to continually be, in what has always been, 'my domain' was very hard at first. And there are still days when he can sense I need a break, and so he finds something to do elsewhere, even if it is just taking the trash to the dump. And when he doesn't sense it, then I sometimes have to convince him. ;D

But overall, God has used this time to stretch us in ways we could never have imagined. We are learning how to help one another with schooling our children, making it easier to serve together as a family once we are on the field.

We have more time to pray together, making it a habit to walk and pray together when it is easy and even more so, when it is not.

Our marriage is that much stronger because of our togetherness. Although there are days that we don't seem so happy with each other and we want to be in separate places for a little while, those times pass and we grow ever stronger in our resolve to be together forever.

Our children need to see a 'real' marriage. They need to see that even when we aren't happy with one another (because kids sense these things, even when we don't let them see us argue), we still love each other completely. They know that we are faithfully committed to our Savior, to one another, to each one of them and to the ministry that God is calling us to in Venezuela.

So, on this special day, I am thankful for the lessons that God has taught both of us during this time that Scott has been unemployed, lessons that only He could teach for His glory!

Happy Anniversary to my honey!

And to many, many years serving in missions...TOGETHER!


  1. Beautiful! Happy Anniversary!

  2. Thank you for sharing this Charity!! I am so thankful that God put you together and especially that He created someone that could "put up" with a Smith boy!! lol!! I love you little brother! I am so proud of you and the husband, father, and faithful servant you have grown to be!!

  3. Good thoughts!

    I can identify with the discomfort of having hubby home. On Eric's days off, I'm often also "off" -- mentally and/or emotionally -- with the change in routine.

    Happy anniversary (a little late)!
