Sunday, April 10, 2011

Faithful God

As we travel on this journey, God continues to surprise us with His constant faithfulness!

Again, today He showed us how He goes before us, beside us and behind us.

We had an entire service this morning, an ENTIRE SERVICE! When you are not a preacher, the thought of that can give you a cold sweat.

But, we gave this service to Him, as we do with each service, whether 10 minutes or an hour.

"Lord, this is your time, speak through us what you want to share with these people, on this day."

And you know what?


We always prepare, but as we each shared, God began to give Scott and I additional things to share that neither one of us had planned or shared with the other, yet they flowed together into this amazing story of God's calling, God's leading, God's directing and God's faithfulness throughout the entire process.

I used to read the stories of the children of Israel as they marched through the desert and I would get so frustrated with them when they forgot how faithful their God was and how He always provided for them. Yet they always complained!

But I never thought about how often I do the same thing when I worry or stress over a situation. Have I forgotten so quickly how faithful my God is and how He always provides a way for me?

He reminded me again this morning of 'my' scripture as I call it. The one he gave me to remember when I don't think things are going according to plan. Just before we got up to speak, He brought it to my mind to share with those precious people today.

Faithful is He who calls you, and He also will bring it to pass.
I Thess. 5:24(NASB)

In the Message Bible, it reads like this:

The One who called you is completely dependable. If He said it, he will do it!
I Thess. 5:24(MSG)

He has plans for all of us! What are we waiting for? An open door? He already has one open, will we walk through it?

What He opens no one can shut, and what he shuts, no one can open. 
I know your deeds. See, I have placed before you an open door 
that no one can shut.
Rev. 3:7

All He asks is that we walk through that door and He will be there. Remember, He goes before, beside and behind. He is waiting for me to take those steps of faith and He will do what He has said He will do. 

I need not worry!

I need not stress!

He stands with the door wide open, waiting for me to walk through into what He has already prepared in advance. He is all-inclusive! I don't need to bring anything, but me, ready and available to be used by HIM!

1 comment:

  1. WOW what a post!! Have you ever known God was working in an area of your life and you just can't get clarification one way or another. Like everything is just piling up and you are not sure how you got where you are?? Well, I have to admit something here. I am a WORRIER. I know it. B knows it and well most of my friends they all know the 2 major things I struggle with in my Christian walk. And worry is one of them. And God has been working on my and I am do my to chose not to worry. Our pastor's message last night was "How not to worry?" Matthew 6:34 was one of the verses. and it just so happens that has been one of my memory verses in the past month. Driving to work this morning, James McDonald's message was on TRUST. (and yes he used Matthew 6:34) Then I open my email and see you have posted on the blog - and I immediately open it. And then as I read it I began t o slow down and really let it sink in. OH MY GOSH. then your words. I need not to worry! I need not to stress! I too am like the children of Israel find myself worrying, complaining and fretting over the same things time & time again. Has he failed me yet? He is faithful in all things. Yet I worry and then I worry about worrying. Anyway, I know that he has used the last 24hours to try to get it through my stubborn head that He has got my back my front and everything in between. You would think that I have some hardhead Smith in me?? lol!! Thanks for sharing. You dont know how you blessed me today! Love ya!!
