Have you ever had one of those moments that you know you saw something but you can't be sure and you really don't want to have seen anything, so you try to talk yourself out of having seen it in the first place? Yes, I had one of those moments the other night. I was sitting in bed, well past 1am, working on my computer, because I couldn't sleep, having had caffeine well past the time I should have. As I reached up to scratch my head, I thought I saw something brown go across the floor. I immediately jumped up and looked under the chair and shook it. I don't know exactly what I would have done if something came toward me, but I didn't think of that until later. Anyway, I didn't see anything, so I hopped back in bed and proceeded to talk myself out of what I had seen. I tried to make it a figment of my imagination. About 5-10 minutes later, I heard a sound and saw out of the corner of my eye, something in my bathroom. I slowly turned my head and as if in slow motion, watched a little mouse walk along the wall of my bathroom to the shower. It walked in front of the door, paused, looked around and ran directly under my bed. I immediately shook Scott awake, yelling that there was a mouse in our bedroom. At this point we didn't know which way he had gone and I was a little stressed about going to bed not knowing where he was hiding out. I continually asked Scott over and over, "How did he get upstairs?" in a very high-pitched voice. I just couldn't understand why it would come to where there was no food source, especially my bedroom!! We set the one trap we had in the house and placed it where we had seen him last, the bathroom, and then headed back to bed. Do you know how hard it is to sleep when you know there is a live rodent somewhere, not just in your house, but in your bedroom? I was a little excited about that, and my heart was beating a little more rapidly than normal. I only fell asleep after Scott prayed for God to give me rest and kill the mouse.
Of course the next day, we went out and bought more mouse traps, setting all five and placing them all over the house, upstairs and down. We went out of town that day, praying that we would find the mouse caught when we returned home. The first thing we did when we came home was check every trap, but alas, to our dismay, nothing! We set them in new places and went to bed. The next day we found 3 of the 5 with nothing on them, but not tripped. Great! We have a super-intelligent mouse! Yesterday, we found a spot that Micah was sure was the spot where it was coming in, so we placed the trap there with fresh peanut butter smeared under the trigger to make it harder for this little genius. As we sat watching TV last night, we heard the snap and Moriah came running in the room yelling, "We got it! We got it!"
The entire family had to go check the trap and we cheered over a dead mouse. What a great family moment! Needless to say, we will have traps set for a while to make sure we have no more uninvited guests in our home!